
Association List


About Us


To signup to, please enter some information in the form below. Your website will be setup after some verification. Please enter as much detail as possible.


Association Name
Current Website (if any)
Your Name
Your email
(please include the best time to call, and the country/area codes)
Desired link
this is for the
<Your Association>
Please enter up to 5 different names
in order of preference
Competitions Description
Please enter a description
of the competitions you offer
Association Description
Please write in a description
of you association

Please also view our privacy policy and terms of use before continuing. Privacy Policy collects personal information (such as names, telephone numbers, etc) to offer its services. Personal information is stored in our databases, and is backed up to third party servers on a regular basis.

Personal information is password protected, and is available only to those who have been given access to it through various areas of the login by association admin users. also collects email addresses for reasons including but not limited to emailing new user accounts and general emails to website users. We will not sell email addresses, and limit who can view email addresses through the website.

We also track users through the site, with third party tracking and through various logs contained on the server and databases. Data that is collected includes, but is not limited to IP addresses, and browser information. Cookies may also be used. Where possible, this information is not tied to any particular person, however each login to the website logs a timestamp in the database.

Please note, the privacy policy may be updated to reflect any changes and/or upgrades to this website. Terms of Use

The website is made available for various associations to host their team entries and scoring. This website is primarily supported by advertising, which covers the cost of the hosting, as well as various other expenses. Most of the website is provided to associations for free.

Without prior written consent, associations may not copy any of the information from this website (such as draws, ladders, etc) to use on their own, or use any service to "scrape" the data from this site. Permission is given for information to be printed (so it can be put up on notice boards, etc). and its owner may decide to restrict what an association has access to, and at its discretion, may remove access to associations who abuse the website in any way.

Whilst we would love to provide 100% uptime, due to the nature of the internet, and internet servers/services, this is just not possible. We will work with our hosting as much as possible to have the website online., its owner and anyone involved with the running of this website cannot be held liable for misuse of any information, late entries, etc. We will do our best to have an error free website, if you do find any errors, please send us an email, and describe the issue so it can be resolved. Website code, scripting, programs, etc that have been written for this site (with the exception of some of the JavaScript libraries, and various code where noted in the source) are copyright of the website owner, and may not be reverse engineered or modified. Associations, and people involved with those associations will not have access to any source code of this website without consent of and its owner.

These terms of use are subject to change at any time.

By submitting this form, you signify that you have agreed to the terms of use.